Snow Removal

snow plow

Honey Brook Township has about 53 miles of public roadways and numerous cul-de-sacs that are maintained by the Public Works staff.

At the start of a snowstorm, the staff applies a mixture of salt and cinders to hills, intersections, and other hazardous areas as needed on Township roads (PennDOT is responsible for State Roads). Salt needs traffic to make it most effective, so if it appears to you that areas have not been salted, there may not have been enough traffic yet to activate it.

During plowing operations, drivers make one pass in each direction on all streets. The first priority for each storm is to make the major roads passable, followed by the neighborhood streets, and then the cul-de-sacs. After all of the streets are passable, the drivers push snow to the street edges and clean out the cul-de-sacs. This operation may not begin until the day following the snow storm because the plow truck drivers may be sent home to get some much-needed rest.

Above all, please be patient. If you have a problem, email the Township at info [at] or call the Township office at 610-273-3970.  If you receive a recording, leave your name, address, phone number, and the nature of your concern.

In the event of an emergency call 9-1-1.

Your Snow Removal Responsibilities


Before Winter

  • Please check the position of your mailbox to ensure that it doesn’t extend over the edge of the street making it susceptible to plow damage. The Public Works Crew makes every effort to avoid causing damage to mailboxes; however, plowed snow may be pushed against mailbox posts, especially during large storms.  Bear in mind that wet snow will be extremely heavy.
  • Remove all items from the Township’s right-of-way before winter arrives.  Items like decorations, basketball hoops, or other portable objects are not permitted in the right-of-way at any time.  A good rule of thumb is to keep such items at least 10 feet back from the roadway to reduce the chance of plow damage.
  • Keep trees and shrubs trimmed year-round so that branches do not extend within three feet of the roadway edge.
  • All damage caused by plowing operations or from the Public Works staff having to move items out of the right-of-way is the property owner’s responsibility.

Vehicle Parking 

Whenever it snows, all vehicles must be removed from the streets including cul-de-sacs in the Township until the storm has ended and the Public Works staff has completed the final storm clean-up. If vehicles are illegally parked on streets and cul-de-sacs, they will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Mailbox Damage 

The Township is not responsible for mailbox damage unless the truck or plow actually hits the mailbox.  Usually, damage to a mailbox or post is caused by heavy snow thrown from plows. You are responsible for these repairs.


Snow and ice must be cleared from sidewalks within 24 hours after the storm ends. If you can’t completely clear your sidewalk because of ice conditions, treat it with sand or other abrasive material.

Not Permitted

Do not throw or blow snow into the streets. Pile the snow behind the curb line or street edge where it won’t obstruct traffic movement or the Township’s plowing operation.

Storm Water and Fire Hydrants

You’re required to clear snow around fire hydrants on your property. You can also help minimize flooding by clearing snow from storm sewer catch basins located along your property.

Tips for Clearing your Driveway

The Township receives complaints every year about the staff plowing driveways closed or covering sidewalks after a resident has spent hours shoveling them open. Unfortunately, during plowing operations snow is pushed to the right side of the road, regularly blocking driveways and occasionally covering sidewalks.

The best way to avoid having to clear snow from your driveway multiple times is to wait until plowing operations are completed before you clean up. If you’d like to get a head start but don’t need to get out of your driveway, consider not shoveling the last six feet toward the street until the plowing operation is complete.

If you need to clear your driveway before plowing is complete, you can minimize the amount of snow plowed into the driveway. Clear not only your driveway out into the street, but also all of the snow at least 10 feet along the street. This will allow plows to unload most of the snow before crossing in front of your driveway.