On-lot Sewer Inspection

Now Required

The PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) now requires the Township to administer a program to document that all on-lot sewer systems are pumped out and inspected at least once every three years.  The Township’s Ordinance to enact this program is in review.

Here’s how the program works:

  • The Township will send a “Pumping Notice” to one-third of all property owners with an on-lot septic system of any type notifying them that their system be pumped and inspected by a specific deadline.
  • Property owners must then schedule and, of course, pay for their on-lot septic pumping by a private contractor who is approved by the Chester County Health Department (CCHD).
  • Promptly after completion of this service, property owners are required to submit a copy of the pumping receipt and to both the CCHD and the Township Administration Office (at present, it is only required to be submitted to the CCHD).

This process will be repeated with a different third of property owners each year so that all systems in the Township will be pumped and inspected at least once every three years.

Note: In addition to the cost of the pumping and inspection, the contractor may also charge for locating the tank and uncovering the tank’s manhole lid(s) so you may want to do this yourself in advance.  Check with your selected contractor to learn if this is recommended and if it will save you money.